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CueStix International

Art Direction | Logo Design | R&D | Photography  | Catalog Builds |

Product Design  | Collateral Design 

CueStix had a tremendous amount of influence on the professional that I've grown into. Starting as a designer I absorbed everything about billiards and how to design for the demographics of each brand. Hard work and attention to detail does pay off and I worked my way up to Art Director. 

Managing weekly mailers and banner ads, monthly magazine advertisements, two yearly catalogs, 12 brand identities, and other designers made for an exacting and fast paced workplace. The pride that I felt when holding the finished product, be it a 300 page catalog or new billiard case I created from sketches, was unsurpassed.   


The years at CueStix went in cycles. We
would start off the year with product
design, getting as many cues and cases
to our manufacturers in China as we
could by July. Then it was four months
of catalog building in order to be at
press check by October. November was
the trip to China. There we would get a
sneak peak at the products they had
been working on and make the
necessary adjustments while also
focusing on developing new products.
After that the shipments of new
products would start to arrive and we

CueStix gave me the opportunity to turn my creative passions into skills. When the owners saw my abilities with a camera I was given a room to use purely for photography along with a budget to buy top of the line equipment. My Adobe Illustrator skills paired with my knowledge of the construction industry allowed me to be integral in creating highly detailed line drawings for new products.

© 2022 by Aaron Szlachetka

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